Prayers of The Book of Nehemiah

The Book of Nehemiah contains several key prayers, reflecting the deep faith and dependence on God of Nehemiah, who led the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls after the Babylonian exile. Here are the primary prayers found in the Book of Nehemiah:

  1. Nehemiah’s Prayer for Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1:5-11):

    • Upon hearing about the suffering and disrepair in Jerusalem, Nehemiah prays with deep emotion. He praises God for His covenant and love, confesses the sins of the Israelites, including his own and his family’s sins, and asks God to remember His promise to gather His people. He concludes by asking for success and favor before King Artaxerxes, whom he serves.
  2. Nehemiah’s Prayer Before King Artaxerxes (Nehemiah 2:4-5):

    • When King Artaxerxes notices Nehemiah's sadness and asks about it, Nehemiah prays briefly to God before responding to the king. This prayer demonstrates his habit of seeking God's guidance in critical moments.
  3. Nehemiah’s Prayer Against Opponents (Nehemiah 4:4-5):

    • Faced with the ridicule and threats from Sanballat and Tobiah, who oppose the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls, Nehemiah prays for God to hear their insults and deliver justice. He asks that their sins not be blotted out because they have provoked God in their anger against the builders.
  4. Nehemiah’s Prayer for Strength (Nehemiah 6:9):

    • During the plot against him to stop the work on the walls, Nehemiah prays a short but powerful prayer asking God to strengthen his hands, showing his reliance on God for perseverance and courage.
  5. The Levites' Prayer of Confession (Nehemiah 9:5-38):

    • After the walls are completed, the Israelites gather, fast, wear sackcloth, and confess their sins. The Levites lead a communal prayer recounting God’s faithfulness and mighty acts from creation to their current situation. They confess the repeated unfaithfulness of Israel, acknowledge God’s mercy, and renew their covenant with Him.
  6. Nehemiah’s Final Prayer (Nehemiah 13:14, 22, 29, 31):

    • In the concluding chapter, Nehemiah prays multiple times, asking God to remember his efforts to reform the people and the temple practices. He prays for God to remember his good deeds and to spare him according to His great mercy.

These prayers reveal Nehemiah’s deep relationship with God, his leadership qualities, and his reliance on prayer in various situations, from personal confession to seeking guidance and strength for his mission.

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