Prayer of The Book of Nehemiah

The Book of Nehemiah

The Book of Nehemiah is a powerful narrative about leadership, prayer, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls. It is filled with prayers of confession, supplication, and thanksgiving. Here are some key prayers from Nehemiah, using scriptures from the New King James Version (NKJV):

  1. Prayer of Confession and Petition:

    • Scripture: "And I said: 'I pray, Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments, please let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of Your servant which I pray before You now, day and night, for the children of Israel Your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against You. Both my father’s house and I have sinned. We have acted very corruptly against You, and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, nor the ordinances which You commanded Your servant Moses.'" (Nehemiah 1:5-7 NKJV)

    • Prayer: "Lord God of heaven, great and awesome, we confess our sins before You. We have acted corruptly and failed to keep Your commandments. Please forgive us and hear our prayer as we seek Your mercy and guidance."

  2. Prayer for Success and Favor:

    • Scripture: "O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name; and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man." (Nehemiah 1:11 NKJV)

    • Prayer: "O Lord, hear the prayer of Your servants who fear Your name. Grant us success and mercy in our endeavors as we seek to honor You in all we do."

  3. Prayer for Strength:

    • Scripture: "Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and because of them we set a watch against them day and night." (Nehemiah 4:9 NKJV)

    • Prayer: "God, we pray for Your strength and protection as we face opposition. Help us to remain vigilant and trust in Your power to sustain us."

  4. Prayer of Commitment:

    • Scripture: "Then I said to them, 'You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.'" (Nehemiah 2:17 NKJV)

    • Prayer: "Lord, we commit ourselves to the work You have called us to do. Give us the determination and unity to rebuild and restore what has been broken."

  5. Prayer of Thanksgiving:

    • Scripture: "So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of Elul, in fifty-two days." (Nehemiah 6:15 NKJV)

    • Prayer: "Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your guidance and provision in completing the work. We praise You for Your faithfulness and the success You have granted us."

  6. Prayer for Spiritual Renewal:

    • Scripture: "And they stood up in their place and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God for one-fourth of the day; and for another fourth they confessed and worshiped the Lord their God." (Nehemiah 9:3 NKJV)

    • Prayer: "Lord, we seek spiritual renewal. As we read Your Word and confess our sins, help us to worship You in spirit and truth. Revive our hearts and draw us closer to You."

  7. Prayer for Dedication:

    • Scripture: "Now at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought out the Levites in all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem to celebrate the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings and singing, with cymbals and stringed instruments and harps." (Nehemiah 12:27 NKJV)

    • Prayer: "Father, we dedicate this work to You with gladness. Fill our hearts with thanksgiving and joy as we celebrate Your goodness and faithfulness."

  8. Prayer for God’s Remembrance:

    • Scripture: "Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and do not wipe out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for its services!" (Nehemiah 13:14 NKJV)

    • Prayer: "Lord, remember us and the good deeds we have done in service to You. May our efforts be pleasing in Your sight, and may You continue to bless and sustain us."

By reflecting on these prayers and their contexts, believers can be inspired to seek God earnestly in their own lives, asking for His guidance, strength, forgiveness, and blessings as they pursue His will.


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