Promises of The Book of Exodus

Promises of God in Exodus

1. Exodus 3

  • Promise of Deliverance: God promises Moses to deliver the Israelites from their oppression in Egypt and lead them to a land flowing with milk and honey.

2. Exodus 6

  • Promise of Redemption: God reaffirms His covenant with the Israelites, promising:

  • Deliverance from Egypt: Assurance of freedom from bondage.

  • Covenant Relationship: God will take them as His people and be their God.

  • Inheritance of the Promised Land: Promise of the land of Canaan.

3. Exodus 12

  • Promise of Protection: God promises to protect the Israelites during the Passover, sparing them from the tenth plague if they follow His instructions.

4. Exodus 14

  • Promise of Salvation: God promises to save the Israelites by parting the Red Sea, allowing them to escape from Pharaoh’s army.

5. Exodus 15

  • Promise of Healing and Provision: Following the crossing of the Red Sea, God promises healing and provision for His people as they journey through the wilderness.

6. Exodus 16

  • Promise of Daily Provision: God promises to provide manna and quail for the Israelites, ensuring they have food in the wilderness.

7. Exodus 17

  • Promise of Support: God promises to be with the Israelites in battle, giving them victory over the Amalekites and affirming His presence through the staff of Moses.

8. Exodus 19

  • Promise of a Special People: God promises that if the Israelites obey His voice and keep His covenant, they will be His treasured possession, a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.

9. Exodus 20

  • Promise of Guidance: God provides the Ten Commandments, promising that following His laws will lead to blessings and prosperous life in the land He has given them.

10. Exodus 23

  • Promise of Protection and Guidance: God promises to send an angel before the Israelites to guide them and to be an enemy to their enemies.

11. Exodus 34

  • Promise of Forgiveness and Covenant Renewal: God renews His covenant with the Israelites, promising mercy and forgiveness, and reaffirming His commitment to them despite their failures.


The book of Exodus reveals God's faithfulness and commitment to His people through promises of deliverance, protection, provision, and a covenant relationship. These promises lay the groundwork for Israel's identity and their journey toward the Promised Land.


Promises of The Book of Genesis