Promises of The Book of Genesis

Promises of God in Genesis

1. Genesis 1

  • Promise of Creation: God creates the world and declares it "very good," establishing His sovereignty over all creation.

2. Genesis 2

  • Promise of Relationship: God creates humanity in His image and establishes the institution of marriage, highlighting the promise of companionship and community.

3. Genesis 3

  • Promise of Redemption: After the Fall, God promises a future Redeemer (Genesis 3:15), indicating that the serpent will be defeated.

4. Genesis 6-9

  • Promise to Noah:

    • Deliverance from the Flood: God saves Noah and his family, promising to protect the righteous.

    • Covenant of the Rainbow (Genesis 9:11): God promises never to flood the earth again, establishing a covenant with Noah and all living creatures.

5. Genesis 12

  • Promise to Abram:

    • Land: God promises Abram the land of Canaan.

    • Descendants: God promises that Abram will be the father of a great nation (Israel).

    • Blessing: God promises to bless Abram and make his name great.

6. Genesis 15

  • Covenant with Abram: God reassures Abram about his descendants, promising that they will be as numerous as the stars.

7. Genesis 17

  • Covenant of Circumcision: God reaffirms His promises to Abram, changing his name to Abraham, and promises:

    • Numerous Descendants: Kings will come from him.

    • Everlasting Covenant: God promises to be the God of Abraham and his descendants.

8. Genesis 21

  • Promise of Isaac: God fulfills His promise by giving Abraham and Sarah a son, Isaac, despite their old age.

9. Genesis 22

  • Promise of Blessing: After Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac, God reaffirms His promises of blessing and numerous descendants, linking them to Abraham's faithfulness.

10. Genesis 26

  • Promise to Isaac: God reaffirms the covenant promises made to Abraham, promising to bless Isaac and multiply his descendants.

11. Genesis 28

  • Promise to Jacob: God appears to Jacob and reaffirms the Abrahamic covenant, promising land and numerous descendants, and assuring Jacob of His presence and protection.

12. Genesis 32-33

  • Promise of Protection: God reassures Jacob of His continued protection as he returns to Canaan.

13. Genesis 46

  • Promise to Jacob: God promises Jacob that He will make him a great nation in Egypt and that He will bring him back to Canaan.


The book of Genesis contains foundational promises that set the stage for God’s relationship with humanity and His plan for redemption through the patriarchs. Each promise highlights God’s faithfulness and His intention to bless His people.


Promises of The Book of Exodus